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Bringing PSM to the Front Line

On-Demand Webinar

Digital transformation is changing the way companies operate, helping to increase production efficiency, improve risk understanding, and streamline processes.

However, connecting corporate Process Safety Management initiatives to day-to-day on-site Operations is a continuing challenge. With a lack of clarity around asset data, and a potential disconnect between Risk Assessment theory and actually executing complex work on site, PSM and Operations staff sometimes feel like they’re not speaking the same language. This miscommunication can have far-reaching consequences, from lack of awareness of the state of the facility, to unplanned breakdowns and even process safety incidents.

The time has come to connect the dots. Industries across the globe are ready for integrated, outcome-focused solutions that transform the way teams work for the better, connecting previously siloed disciplines and datasets. From dynamic risk visualization, to using your bowties and Incident Management data to drive your Barrier Management – in line with today’s and tomorrow’s regulations and workforce expectations.

Join Enablon experts for a candid 45-minute conversation on how integrating PSM and Operations is the next step towards connecting people, process and plant, the value of PSM data accuracy, and how dynamic risk management can empower you to move towards true predictive risk.


  • Justin Naik, Product Management Director, Wolters Kluwer Enablon
  • Michel Tol, Market Specialist, Wolters Kluwer Enablon
Please complete form below to watch the on-demand webinar.